Friday, June 20, 2008

happy day~

2day is Parent"s day...
it is tooooo bad..
teacher keep complain me toooo noise...
omg~i admit tat...i realy like 2 make noise..
it is my natural character...haha..
then go kuokuang..
c many teacher&big kang..miss all 6a fren suddenly..
then go siezzzzzz..
then suddenly got mood 2 do projek.....
then weixiang calling m3 4 going 2 do the "pai"4 showtim 4 him...
quickly pack n go lo..
at ruyi home...
got me,ee,weixiang,jinxiang,zhiEn,Yuchen,shiyuan n of courz ruyi lo==
do projek n playplay oso lo~
then chating about 2xin~haha
dunno leh~maybe they like both..
but xin(boyboy)not dare say it lo..
wish them...but someone dun be jealous leh~
then shiyuan go out wit ruyi bicycle...
then he come back wit very "langbei"look~
very funny..1st time 2 c him like tat...
then me &chen&ee go back home 2 get something...
come back wit very tired...
de weather tooooo hot...
nearly "chaoda"...
then..the playful jinxiang c my hp..
my pic very scaring lo..
he nearly pengsan..haha..juz joking la..
then de "zilian"me &xiang plaYIng "zipai"again...
very siezzz lo...
then ruyi mummy n sis come back...
ruyi' youngest sis very cute!!!!
then we go 81 fo eat thing~
chating again~we r very noise lo~
then i found tat shiyuan'eyes.....haha...shhh.......
i admit it sot me before...
but now....shhh........
then..continue chat chat chat...
jinxiang walk home~weixiang&zhiEn take bus~shiyuan wit yuchen wait 4 yuchen'mum~
me*ee n ruyi walk back again 2 ruyi home lo~
chat again on the road go back~
ee say tat it's 1st time i go out wit them....
yalo~although we din do anything 4 weixiang...
but 2day really a happy day....
hope it can continue like tat 4ever....
n oso our frenship...
lastly~i wanna say..u all my dear fren...
luv u all~muackzzzzzz...juz joking==

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